What is the connection between mindfulness and Montessori education?
Mindfulness and Montessori classrooms pair as well together as dark chocolate and caramel. Here is a look at how they reinforce each other:
Montessori classrooms thrive on the element of choice. Mindfulness does as well. When adolescents are caught up in their thoughts and emotions, they tend to feel as if they have no control over what is happening. Mindfulness teaches that we can use techniques to bring ourselves back into control (into the present moment) where we can make informed decisions. The technique you decide to use is up to you. You get to choose.
Character Development
The reason I fell in love with Montessori education was because it incorporates character development. We are preparing students to be human beings (as opposed to simply more advanced students). This concept goes by many names, such as socio-emotional learning, personal development, or even the spiritual preparation of the child.
The science of mindfulness shows that the brain structure changes that occur when mindfulness becomes a habit enhance the character development. Mindfulness increases the amount of grey matter in the brain, which enhances information processing. It helps adolescents to reflect, to feel calm, and to have meaningful discussions.
Practical Life Skills
Montessori students are taught practical life skills from the earliest age. Part of practical life for the adolescent includes how to interact with others, how to navigate challenging situations, and how to understand yourself and your place in the world.
Mindfulness is a practical life skill because it helps you to regulate your thoughts/emotions. How amazing would it be if all adults could do this?!
Due to the plasticity of the adolescent brain, mindfulness is easier to learn at this age. In addition, the habits incorporated during adolescence tend to stick with us through life.
Classroom Management
As a teacher or administrator, one huge connection between mindfulness and the classroom involves behavior issues. Because mindfulness provides hands-on techniques for working with big thoughts and emotions, one side effect you will notice is a decrease in behavior issues. It provides a common language for students and teachers to use when issues arise as well as those specific techniques that can be used to shift students from hot cognition to cold cognition where rational decisions can be made. Montessori education focuses on consequences instead of punishment. Mindfulness techniques are a peaceful way to work through situations.