Pink Panties & Other Life Lessons

Meet Danielle

Danielle Parker accepted her first job working with adolescents a zillion years ago in 2003. Ever since then, she has worked with this age group as often as possible in a variety of jobs, from classroom teacher to guides at nature centers, animal shelters, and even the health department. She finds them quirky, honest, and hilarious. (Translation: She thinks you’re weird.) She has a B.S. in biology from Cornell University, an M.A.T. from East Carolina University, and an M.S. in coastal zone management from Nova Southeastern University. She completed her Secondary Montessori training in 2021 through Houston Montessori Center. She is a 500-RYT yoga instructor and is dedicated to her personal mindfulness journey. For the record, pink has always been and is still to this day Danielle’s least favorite color.






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